Computing the guesswork to high precision
In order to solve the SDP describing the guesswork in high-precision, we need to start a new Julia session. That's because Pajarito, the library used for mixed-integer SDPs, and SDPAFamily, the one for high-precision SDPs, each require different versions of Convex.jl, the optimization problem modeling library. The following example was run locally and the output copied to the documentation. First, add the packages Convex#master
(or just Convex
once version 0.13 of that package is released) and SDPAFamily
, and then the following code.
julia> setprecision(2000) # set Julia's global BigFloat precision to 2000
julia> using SDPAFamily
julia> opt = () -> SDPAFamily.Optimizer{BigFloat}(
presolve = true,
params = ( epsilonStar = 1e-200, # constraint tolerance
epsilonDash = 1e-200, # normalized duality gap tolerance
precision = 2000 # arithmetric precision used in sdpa_gmp
#186 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> using GuessworkQuantumSideInfo
julia> T = BigFloat
julia> ρBs = BB84_states(T);
julia> p = ones(T, 4) / 4;
julia> @time output = guesswork(p, ρBs; solver = opt());
54.613852 seconds (274.09 M allocations: 45.610 GiB, 11.66% gc time)
julia> output.optval
julia> true_val = (big(1) / big(4)) * (10 - sqrt(big(10)))
julia> abs(output.optval - true_val) <= 10.0^(-200)
Note that the output of the optimization solver matches true_val
up to an error of at most $10^{-200}$.
See also for a folder with a reproducible environment for running this kind of high-precision code.