Optimal transport

Optimal transport is a theory that provides a way to describe distances between positive measures in terms of distances on their underlying domains. The following is a short description of the task; for a more thorough review, see Wikipedia, or some of the Other references.

In this package, we only consider finite sets, and so a "positive measure" is simply a collection of non-negative numbers. In the case that these numbers sum to one, we can consider them as probabilities, although we don't make that restriction here. Let $X$ and $Y$ be finite sets (the only kind considered in this package), and $a$ and $b$ be functions,

\[a : X \to \mathbb{R}_+ \quad \text{and} \quad b: Y \to \mathbb{R}_+.\]

We assume $a(x) > 0$ for each $x \in X$ and likewise $b(y) > 0$ for $y \in Y$; zero elements can simply be removed from $X$ or $Y$.

The associated optimal transport problem is the following. We start with $a(x)$ "mass" of material at each point $x \in X$, and wish to end up with $b(y)$ mass of material at each point $y \in Y$, but there is some cost $c(x,y)$ associated to moving a unit of mass from $x$ to $y$.

For each pair $(x,y) \in X\times Y$, we aim to decide how much mass to move from $x$ to $y$ by choosing a coupling, a function $π : X \times Y \to \mathbb{R}_+$, which minimizes the cost:

\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{OT}(a,b) := \text{minimize} \quad & \sum_{x\in X, y \in Y} π(x,y) c(x,y)\\ \text{such that} \quad & a(x) = \sum_{y \in Y} \pi(x,y) \quad \forall x \in X\\ & b(y) = \sum_{x \in X} \pi(x,y) \quad, \forall y \in Y\\ & \pi(x,y) \geq 0 \quad \forall x\in X,\, \forall y \in Y. \end{aligned}\]

The constraint $a(x) = \sum_{y \in Y} \pi(x,y)$ means that $a(x)$ units of mass was transported from location $x$, and $b(y) = \sum_{x \in X} \pi(x,y)$ means that $b(y)$ units of mass ended up at location $y$, as desired.

The problem as written, however, has no solution (is infeasible), however, if $\sum_{x\in X} a(x) \neq \sum_{y \in Y}b(y)$, as can be verified by the fact that if a solution $\pi$ existed, then the constraints imply that

\[\sum_{y \in Y} b(y) = \sum_{x\in X, y \in Y} \pi(x,y) = \sum_{x \in X} a(x).\]

which is a contradiction. That's because our problem as posed does not allow the creation or destruction of mass.

To resolve this, following [SFVTP19], we remove the requirements that $a(x) = \sum_{y \in Y} \pi(x,y)$ and $b(y) = \sum_{x \in X} \pi(x,y)$, and instead add a penalty that grows the more those constraints are violated (i.e. imposing "soft" constraints instead of "hard" constraints).

We model these penalties as a $\varphi$-divergence $D_\varphi$, which are defined in terms of a function $\varphi : \mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}_+$ as

\[D_\varphi(u \| v) := \sum_{z \in Z} \varphi\left( \frac{u(z)}{v(z)} \right) b(z)\]

where $Z$ is a finite set, and $u : Z \to \mathbb{R}_+$ and $v : Z \to \mathbb{R}_+$ as functions with $v(z) > 0$ for each $z \in Z$. See Divergences for the list of divergences implemented in this package.

With that modification, we have the unbalanced optimal transport problem,

\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b) := \text{minimize} \quad & \sum_{x\in X, y \in Y} π(x,y) c(x,y) + D_\varphi(\pi_1 \| a) + D_\varphi(\pi_2 \| b)\\ \text{such that} \quad & \pi(x,y) \geq 0 \quad \forall x\in X,\, \forall y \in Y. \end{aligned}\]

where $\pi_1$ is defined by $\pi_1(x) = \sum_{y \in Y} \pi(x,y)$ for each $x \in X$, and likewise $\pi_2(y)=\sum_{x \in X} \pi(x,y)$ for $y \in Y$.

Entropic regularization

We are faced with a problem: $\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b)$ can be difficult to compute, especially when $X$ and $Y$ are large. It turns out that $\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b)$ can be described as the limit of a sequence of problems that are easier to solve.

For $\varepsilon \geq 0$, consider the entropically-regularized unbalanced optimal transport problem,

\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b, \varepsilon) := \text{minimize} \quad & \sum_{x\in X, y \in Y} π(x,y) c(x,y) + D_\varphi(\pi_1 \| a) + D_\varphi(\pi_2 \| b) + \varepsilon \operatorname{KL}(\pi \| a \otimes b)\\ \text{such that} \quad & \pi(x,y) \geq 0 \quad \forall x\in X,\, \forall y \in Y. \end{aligned}\]

where $\operatorname{KL}$ is the Kullback Leibler divergence (also called the relative entropy), which in fact is the $\varphi$-divergence with $\varphi(x) = x\log x - x + 1$, and $a \otimes b : X \times Y \to \mathbb{R}_+$ is defined by $(a \otimes b)(x,y) := a(x)b(y)$.

Entropic regularization refers to the additional term $\varepsilon \operatorname{KL}(\pi \| a \otimes b)$. Adding this term yields several advantages; see e.g. Chapter 4 of [PC18] in Other references for entropic regularization in optimal transport in general, and [SFVTP19] in particular for the unbalanced case. As concerns this package, however, the most important advantage is that $\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b, \varepsilon)$ can be computed quickly by an iterative scheme called Sinkhorn's algorithm, which is implemented in the function unbalanced_sinkhorn!, based on Algorithm 1 of [SFVTP19]. This is used to compute the quantity $\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b, \varepsilon)$ in the function OT!.

Note that this package also implements the optimization problem form of $\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a, b, \varepsilon)$, using the modelling language Convex.jl and the solvers SCS.jl and ECOS.jl, in test/Convex_formulation.jl, in order to test the implementation of Sinkhorn's algorithm in unbalanced_sinkhorn!. This functionality is contained in the tests rather than the package itself in order to avoid the extra dependencies, and since solving the optimization problem is much less practical than using Sinkhorn's algorithm.

One problem raised by the regularization is that

\[\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi,a,a,\varepsilon) \neq 0\]

in general. This is not ideal when one wishes to consider $(a,b) \mapsto \operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi,a,b,\varepsilon)$ as a measure of distance between $a$ and $b$. To remedy this, one defines the Sinkhorn divergence

\[S(D_\varphi,a,b,\varepsilon) := \operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi,a,b,\varepsilon) - \frac{1}{2}\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi,a,a,\varepsilon) - \frac{1}{2}\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi,b, b,\varepsilon) + \frac{\epsilon}{2}(m(a) - m(b))^2\]

where e.g. $m(a) = \sum_{x\in X} a(x)$ is the total mass of $a$ (this is Def. 6 of [SFVTP19]). This quantity is computed by sinkhorn_divergence!.

When $D_\varphi$ is chosen as proportional to $\operatorname{KL}$, this quantity has the following useful properties, shown in Theorem 4 of [SFVTP19]:

  • Positive-definiteness: $S(D_\varphi,a,b,\varepsilon) \geq 0$ with equality if and only if $a=b$
  • Convexity in both arguments: $a \mapsto S(D_\varphi,a,b,\varepsilon)$ is convex, and $b \mapsto S(D_\varphi,a,b,\varepsilon)$ is convex.

Dual potentials

The quantity $\operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b, \varepsilon)$ can be equivalently described by the so-called dual problem,

\[\begin{aligned} \operatorname{OT}(D_\varphi, a,b, \varepsilon) = \text{maximize} \quad & -\sum_{x\in X} a(x) \varphi^*(-f(x)) -\sum_{y\in Y} b(y) \varphi^*(-g(x))\\ & \quad - \varepsilon \sum_{x\in X, y \in Y} a(x)b(y) \left(\exp( \frac{f(x) + g(y) - c(x,y)}{\varepsilon} ) -1\right) \\ \text{where} \quad & f : X \to \mathbb{R}, \, g : Y \to \mathbb{R} \end{aligned}\]

where $\varphi^*: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is the Legendre transform of $\varphi$, defined as

\[\varphi^*(z) = \sup_{x \geq 0} xz - \varphi(x).\]

The functions $f$ and $g$ are called the dual potentials (in [SFVTP19], at least). Sinkhorn's algorithm as implemented in unbalanced_sinkhorn! computes the optimal dual potentials, namely those which achieve the maximum in the optimization problem above.



[SFVTP19] Séjourné, T., Feydy, J., Vialard, F.-X., Trouvé, A., Peyré, G., 2019. Sinkhorn Divergences for Unbalanced Optimal Transport. arXiv:1910.12958.

Other references

[PC18] Peyré, G., Cuturi, M., 2018. Computational Optimal Transport. arXiv:1803.00567.

[Villani09] Villani, C., 2009. Optimal Transport: Old and New, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.