
The main object of interest supplied by this package is SDPAFamily.Optimizer{T}(). Here, T is a numeric type which defaults to BigFloat. Keyword arguments may also be passed to SDPAFamily.Optimizer():

  • variant: either :sdpa_gmp, :sdpa_qd, or :sdpa_dd, to use SDPA-GMP, SDPA-QD, or SDPA-DD, respectively. Defaults to :sdpa_gmp.
  • silent: a boolean to indicate whether or not to print output. Defaults to false.
  • verbose: accepts either SDPAFamily.SILENT (which is equivalent to silent=true), SDPAFamily.WARN (which is the default), or SDPAFamily.VERBOSE, which prints all output from the binary as well as additional warnings.
  • presolve: whether or not to run a presolve routine to remove linearly dependent constraints. See below for more details. Defaults to false. Note, presolve=true is required to pass many of the tests for this package; linearly independent constraints are an assumption of the SDPA-family, but constraints generated from high level modelling languages often do have linear dependence between them.
  • binary_path: a string representing a path to the SDPA-GMP binary to use. The default is chosen at build time. To change the default binaries, see Custom binary.
  • params: either SDPAFamily.DEFAULT (the default option), SDPAFamily.UNSTABLE_BUT_FAST, SDPAFamily.STABLE_BUT_SLOW, a NamedTuple giving a list of choices of parameters (e.g. params = (maxIteration=600,)), an SDPAFamily.Params object, or or a string representing a path to a custom parameter file. See SDPAFamily.Params for the possible choices of parameters.

The default parameters used by SDPAFamily.jl depend on the variant and numeric type, and can be found as the default values in the source code here. The choices choices of parameters UNSTABLE_BUT_FAST and STABLE_BUT_SLOW are documented in the SDPA users manual, as well as the meaning of each parameter. A new parameter file is generated for each optimizer instance opt (and is regenerated for each solve), and can be found in the directory opt.tempdir, along with the SDPA-format input and output files for the problem, assuming a custom parameter file has not been passed to the optimizer. See Changing parameters & solving at very high precision below for an example.

SDPAFamily.Optimizer() also accepts variant = :sdpa to use the non-high-precision SDPA binary. For general usage of the SDPA solver, use SDPA.jl which uses the C++ library to interface directly with the SDPA binary.

Using a number type other than BigFloat

SDPAFamily.Optimizer() uses BigFloat for problem data and solution by default. To use, for example, Float64 instead, simply call SDPAFamily.Optimizer{Float64}(). However, this may cause underflow errors when reading the solution file, particularly when MathOptInterface bridges are used. Note that with MathOptInterface all the problem data must be parametrised by the same number type, i.e. Float64 in this case.

Using presolve

SDPA-GMP will emit cholesky miss condition :: not positive definite error when the problem data contain linearly dependent constraints. Set presolve=true to use a presolve routine which tries to detect such constraints by Gaussian elimination. The redundant constraints are omitted from the problem formulation and the corresponding redundant decision variables are set to 0 in the final result. The time taken to perform the presolve step depends on the size of the problem. This process is numerically unstable, so is disabled by default. It does help quite a lot with some problems, however.

We demonstrate presolve using the problem defined in Optimal guessing probability for a pair of quantum states. When presolve is disabled, SDPA solvers will terminate prematurely due to linear dependence in the input constraints. Note, however, that this does not necessarily happen. Empirically, for our test cases, solvers' intolerance to redundant constraints increases from :sdpa to :sdpa_gmp.

julia> solve!(problem, () -> SDPAFamily.Optimizer(presolve = false))
Warning: cholesky miss condition :: not positive definite :: info = 36 :: line 643 in sdpa_linear.cpp
┌ Warning: 'cholesky miss condition' warning detected; results may be unreliable. Try `presolve=true`, or see troubleshooting guide.
└ @ SDPAFamily ~/work/SDPAFamily.jl/SDPAFamily.jl/src/binary_call.jl:54
┌ Warning: Problem status ITERATION_LIMIT; solution may be inaccurate.
└ @ Convex ~/.julia/packages/Convex/SRJjA/src/solution.jl:250

Applying presolve helps by removing 8 redundant constraints from the final input file.

julia> solve!(problem, () -> SDPAFamily.Optimizer(presolve = true))

julia> @test problem.optval ≈ 1//2 + 1/(2*sqrt(big(2))) atol=1e-30
Test Passed

We see we have recovered the true answer to a tolerance of $10^{-30}$.

Changing parameters & solving at very high precision

Continuing the above example, we can also increase the precision by changing the default parameters:

julia> opt = () -> SDPAFamily.Optimizer(
           presolve = true,
           params = (  epsilonStar = 1e-200, # constraint tolerance
                       epsilonDash = 1e-200, # normalized duality gap tolerance
                       precision = 2000 # arithmetric precision used in sdpa_gmp
#7 (generic function with 1 method)

julia> setprecision(2000) # set Julia's global BigFloat precision to 2000

julia> ρ₁ = Complex{BigFloat}[1 0; 0 0]
2×2 Array{Complex{BigFloat},2}:
 1.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im
 0.0+0.0im  0.0+0.0im

julia> ρ₂ = (1//2)*Complex{BigFloat}[1 -im; im 1]
2×2 Array{Complex{BigFloat},2}:
 0.50+0.0im    0.0-0.50im
  0.0+0.50im  0.50+0.0im

julia> E₁ = ComplexVariable(2, 2);

julia> E₂ = ComplexVariable(2, 2);

julia> problem = maximize( real((1//2)*tr(ρ₁*E₁) + (1//2)*tr(ρ₂*E₂)),
                           [E₁ ⪰ 0, E₂ ⪰ 0, E₁ + E₂ == Diagonal(ones(2))];
                           numeric_type = BigFloat );

julia> solve!(problem, opt)

julia> p_guess = 1//2 + 1/(2*sqrt(big(2)))

julia> @test problem.optval ≈ p_guess atol=1e-200
Test Passed

With these parameters, we have recovered the true answer to a tolerance of $10^{-200}$.

Note that we called setprecision(2000) at the start. This is so that the BigFloat objects used to construct ρ₁, ρ₂, the internals of the Convex.Problem instance are constructed to such a precision, as well as the BigFloat objects used to store the output of SDPA-GMP. The default, 256, is not sufficient in this case. Testing this can be a little bit subtle: for example, if setprecision(2000) was not called (or equivalently, setprecision(256) called instead), then the test

@test problem.optval ≈ p_guess atol=1e-200

would still pass. However, that is because p_guess is only constructed at approximately 77 digits of precision, and problem.optval is only read back from SDPA-GMP at the same precision. So in that case, the test isn't truly testing that the solution is accurate to 200 digits of precision.

In this case, since 1 and 1/2 are exactly representable by floating point numbers, it is enough to specify setprecision(2000) before the solve! call (so the ρ₁ and ρ₂ are only constructed at 256 bits of high precision), but it is good practice to set the precision at the start for the whole problem. Moreover, since the precision is mutable global state, it is best to set it once at the start of a session and not change it, or to setup and solve a problem within a single

setprecision(2000) do

block, to avoid any potentially confusing behavior caused by mixing precisions.