
This is a package accompanying the preprint Guesswork with Quantum Side Information.

See the Examples for some examples (or just below for a quick example), Computing the guesswork to high precision for an example solving a problem with a high-precision SDP solver, Using a mixed-integer SDP to find extremal strategies for an example using a mixed-integer SDP, or below for the documentation of the functions provided by this package.

Quick example

Consider one party Alice who draws a random number in the set [1,2,3,4] uniformly at random. If she draws 1 she sends another party, Bob, the quantum state |0⟩; if she draws 2, she sends |1⟩, if she draws 3 she sends |-⟩, and finally if she draws 4, she sends |+⟩. Bob, knowing this general procedure but not which number Alice drew, aims to guess the value Alice drew by performing experiments on the quantum state he was given. The average number of guesses Bob needs in order to get the right answer, minimized over all quantum strategies, is the so-called guesswork with quantum side information. This package provides a means to compute this.

julia> using GuessworkQuantumSideInfo, SCS

julia> p = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25];

julia> ketzero = ket(1, 2);

julia> ketone = ket(2, 2);

julia> ketminus = (ket(1, 2) - ket(2,2))/sqrt(2);

julia> ketplus = (ket(1, 2) + ket(2,2))/sqrt(2);

julia> ρBs = dm.([ ketzero, ketone, ketminus, ketplus  ])
4-element Array{Array{Complex{Float64},2},1}:
 [1.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im]
 [0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im; 0.0+0.0im 1.0+0.0im]
 [0.5+0.0im -0.5-0.0im; -0.5+0.0im 0.5+0.0im]
 [0.5+0.0im 0.5+0.0im; 0.5+0.0im 0.5+0.0im]

julia> output = guesswork(p, ρBs; solver = SCSSolver(verbose=false));

julia> output.optval

Guesswork functions

    K::Integer = length(p),
    c = T[1:K..., 5_000],
    dual::Bool = false,
    remove_repetition::Bool = true,
    povm_outcomes = make_povm_outcomes(length(p), K, remove_repetition),
    verbose::Bool = true,

Computes the guesswork for the c-q state specified by a probability vector p, giving the distribution X, and ρBs, giving the associated quantum states.

The keyword arguments are as follows:

  • solver is the only required keyword argument; an SDP solver such as SCS or MOSEK must be passed.
  • K corresponds to the maximum number of allowed guesses. The number of variables in the primal SDP (and the number of constraints in the dual SDP) scales as length(p)^K.
  • c may be given a custom cost vector. If K < length(p), then c should be of length K+1. The last entry, c[K+1], corresponds to the cost of not guessing the correct answer within K guesses.
  • dual is a boolean variable indicating whether the primal or dual optimization problem should be solved.
  • remove_repetition is a boolean variable defaulting to true, indicating whether repeated guesses of the same value should be removed; as long as c is increasing, this decreases the size of the SDP without affecting the optimal value.
  • povm_outcomes should be an iterator (or vector) corresponding to the possible guessing orders. This defaults to all subsets of length K of 1:length(p) without repetition.
  • verbose is a boolean which indicates if warnings should be printed when the problem is not solved optimally.
    c = T[1:length(p)..., 10_000],
    verbose::Bool = false,

See guesswork for the meaning of the arguments. Computes a lower bound to the optimal expected number of guesses by solving a relaxed version of the primal SDP. For J states, only needs J^2 PSD variables subject to two linear constraints.

    c::AbstractVector = T.(1:length(p)),
    max_retries = 50,
    max_time = Inf,
    num_constraints = Inf,
    verbose::Bool = false,
    num_steps_per_SA_run::Integer = length(p)^2 * 500,
) where {T<:Number} -> NamedTuple

Computes an upper bound to the guesswork problem associated to the c-q state specified by p and ρBs, as in guesswork. A custom cost vector c may be optionally passed. If the keyword argument verbose is set to true, information is printed about each iteration of the algorithm.

The keyword argument make_solver is required, and must pass a function that creates a solver instances. For example, instead of passing SCSSolver(), pass () -> SCSSolver(). This is needed because the algorithm used in guesswork_upper_bound solves a sequence of SDPs, not just one.

The algorithm has three termination criteria which are controlled by keyword arguments. The algorithm stops when any of the following occur:

  • max_retries simulated annealing attempts fail to find a violated constraint.
  • num_constraints constraints have been added to the dual SDP
  • The total runtime of the algorithm is projected to exceed max_time on the next iteration.

By default, max_retries is set to 50, while num_constraints and max_time are set to infinity.

Lastly, the keyword argument num_steps_per_SA_run controls the runtime of the simulated annealing algorithm. Increase num_steps_per_SA_run to search longer for a violated constraint within a given simulated annealing run.


Quantum states

ket([T = Float64], i::Integer, d::Integer) -> SparseVector{Complex{T}}

Create a vector representing the ith computational basis vector in dimension d.


julia> ket(1,2)
2-element SparseVector{Complex{Float64},Int64} with 1 stored entry:
  [1]  =  1.0+0.0im

julia> collect(ans)
2-element Array{Complex{Float64},1}:
 1.0 + 0.0im
 0.0 + 0.0im
bra([T = Float64], i::Integer, d::Integer) -> SparseVector{Complex{T}}'

Create a dual vector representing the bra associated to ith computational basis vector in dimension d.


julia> bra(1,2)
1×2 LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Complex{Float64},SparseVector{Complex{Float64},Int64}}:
 1.0-0.0im  0.0-0.0im

julia> collect(ans)
1×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 1.0-0.0im  0.0-0.0im
iid_copies(ρBs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractMatrix}, n::Integer) -> Vector{Matrix}

Create a vector of all states of the form $ρ_1 \otimes \dotsm \otimes ρ_n$ where the $ρ_i$ range over the set ρBs.

randdm([T = Float64], d)

Generates a density matrix with numeric type Complex{T}, of dimension d at random.


julia> randdm(2)
2×2 Array{Complex{Float64},2}:
 0.477118+0.0im        0.119848-0.0371569im
 0.119848+0.0371569im  0.522882+0.0im      
randprobvec([T=Float64], d)

Generates points of type T, uniformly at random on the standard d-1 dimensional simplex using an algorithm by Smith and Tromble.


julia> randprobvec(3)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:


pmfN(data; tol = 1e-5) -> Vector

Compute the probability mass function for the number of guesses N, given a strategy. The nth entry of the output vector gives the probability for guessing the correct answer on the nth try, for n = 1 : K. If the number of allowed guesses, K, is smaller than length(p), then there is an additional last entry which gives the probability of never guessing the correct answer.

  • data should be a NamedTuple with entries for p, ρBs, Es, K, and povm_outcomes
  • tol provides a tolerance above which to warn about imaginary or negative probabilities.