Documenter usage

To use Asciicast with documenter, the asciinema-player javascript and CSS assets must be provided to Documenter in makedocs in your docs/make.jl file.

This can be done using the Asciicast.assets function, e.g.

    # ...
        # ...

Besides that, the only other requirement is to load Asciicast in your make.jl (using Asciicast).

@cast blocks

Asciicast.jl works as a Documenter plugin, providing @cast blocks which work similarly to @repl blocks. For example:

using Pkg
1 + 1

The above @cast block will effectively generate both a standard Documenter @repl block:

using Pkg
1 + 1

and some raw HTML output:

<div id="d59ee38d-184a-4888-8749-41b4df76ae3b"></div>
document.getElementById('d59ee38d-184a-4888-8749-41b4df76ae3b'), { autoPlay: true, fit: false}

Here, the id is randomly generated with uuid4(), and the contents of the cast itself are base64-encoded and inlined into the HTML. Note: I initially tried saving these as separate files, but had trouble with casts not showing up on deployed pages, while inlining works reliably every time.

The output of this looks like:

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.status()
julia> 1 + 12

Hiding REPL inputs

You can also use hide_inputs=true to hide the inputs, showing just the asciinema player. The syntax for that is:

```@cast; hide_inputs=true
using Pkg
1 + 1

This looks like:


Unlike in @repl blocks, exceptions are not allowed by default. Instead, they must be opt-ed in with allow_errors=true

```@cast; allow_errors=true
error("This is an exception!")

This looks like:

julia> error("This is an exception!")ERROR: This is an exception!

Example with a named block

First block:

```@cast 1; hide_inputs=true
x = -1

The next block continues:

```@cast 1; hide_inputs=true, allow_errors=true
y = x+1

Then we move to a REPL block:

```@repl 1
@show y
z = y^2
julia> @show yy = 0
julia> z = y^20

Modifying the delay

Delay of 0:

```@cast; delay=0, hide_inputs=true

Delay of 1:

```@cast; delay=1, hide_inputs=true

All supported options in @cast Documenter blocks

  • hide_inputs::Bool=false. Whether or not to hide the @repl-style inputs before the animated gif.
  • allow_errors::Bool=false. Whether or not the Documenter build should fail if exceptions are encountered during execution of the @cast block.
  • delay::Float64=0.25. The amount of delay between line executions (to emulate typing time).
  • loop::Union{Int,Bool}=false. Set to true for infinite looping, or an integer to loop a fixed number of times.
  • height::Int. Heuristically determined by default. Set to an integer to specify the number of lines.

Reference docs

Asciicast.assets(asciinema_version = "3.6.3")

Provides a collection of Documenter assets which can be used in makedocs, e.g. makedocs(; assets=Asciicast.assets()).
