Allocator interface

The allocator interface is currently considered experimental and not part of the public API.

abstract type Allocator end

Allocators need to subtype Allocator and implement two methods of alloc_similar:

  • AllocArrays.alloc_similar(::MyAllocator, a::AllocArray, ::Type{T}, dims::Dims)
  • AllocArrays.alloc_similar(::MyAllocator, ::Type{<:AllocArray{T}}, dims::Dims) where {T}

to support AllocArrays, (which should each return an AllocArray) and likewise

  • AllocArrays.alloc_similar(::MyAllocator, a::CheckedAllocArray, ::Type{T}, dims::Dims)
  • AllocArrays.alloc_similar(::MyAllocator, ::Type{<:CheckedAllocArray{T}}, dims::Dims) where {T}

which should each return a CheckedAllocArray.
